
BSP First National Convention Begins

Feb 10, Kathmandu:  Bibeksheel Sajhaa Party (BSP)  is holding its first national convention today.

Party leader Milan Pandey informed us that there will be a conference opening program at Nepal Pragya Pratishthan in Kamaladi at 10 am. It is estimated that 4 to 500 delegates from across the country will participate in the program.

Leader Pandey informed that the inauguration program and closed session will be held today and the selection process for the new leadership of the party will be completed tomorrow. An election committee has been formed under the leadership of former Viveksheel Party leader Keshav Dahal to select the new leadership. After BSP the then president of the Saha Party and Ravindra Mishra, the coordinator and president after the merger with BSP joined RPP, this party became almost anonymous.

At present Samsika Baskota is the president. Milan Pandey, who was expelled from the party earlier, became an independent candidate in the last House of Representatives elections. Pandey has returned to the party. He is claiming future leadership. The names of Pandey, Baskota, and others are in discussion for the post of president.