
MP's Question To Speaker: Who Is Doing Yellow Journalism?

Mar  19, Kathmandu: A question has been raised in the House of Representatives regarding the statement made by Speaker Devraj Ghimire that 'journalists are for sale'. In the meeting of the House of Representatives held on Sunday, Nepali Congress MP Ramhari Khatiwada and Nepal Labor Kisan Party MP Prem Suwal raised questions about the statement made by the Speaker a few days ago.

MP Khatiwada said that the Speaker is in the limelight because of his speech and he should think about the effect of that speech on the freedom of the press. "The Honorable Speaker is in the news for saying that journalists are for sale. When the head of the Legislature himself made such a statement, has he thought about the impact on the freedom of the press? Pay attention to that too," he said.

Another member of Parliament, Suwal, said that an investigation committee should be formed as the matter discussed by the Speaker is a matter of public importance. He also objected to the statement that Chitra Bahadur KC, Prem Suwal, and Prabhu Shah sought to speak in the House of Representatives as well as the Congress. MP Suwal said if we don't talk about the Mahakali river overflowing in Darchula, what is the job of this Parliament? He asked. He also objected to the three-party meeting held on Saturday.

News has arrived from the Speaker. The UML sought the participation of Chitra Bahadur Prem Suwal and Prabhu Sah as much as Congress. Mr. Speaker, your voice must not be there. The speaker may not be from here. There should not be such an expression. You have to speak in parliament. How many lakhs does it cost to run the parliament?

If people's issues cannot be discussed here, there is no point in running the parliament. What is the work of this parliament if we do not talk about the Mahakali river overflowing in Darchula? Parliament is for speaking. Another Speaker has come. About the journalist. If he had studied and spoken here, an investigation committee should have been formed.

If not all journalists are like that, which one should run journalism? It should have been an inquiry committee from the Speaker. Matters raised by the Speaker are matters of public importance. "There should be an investigation," he said.

MP Suwal requested Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal "Prachanda" who is in charge of the Ministry of Home Affairs, to take immediate action regarding the hacking of the speaker's daughter's phone and cheating the money of those living in America. He said that if action is not taken, an inquiry committee should be formed by the parliament itself.

After the Speaker speaks, it is of public importance. Prime Minister should immediately investigate and take action on this. If not, Parliament should immediately form an inquiry committee. We will raise such issues in the parliament," Suwal said. In a meeting with the representatives of the Federation of Nepalese Journalists on March 3, Speaker Ghimire made a serious allegation that journalists are for sale.

He said, "Journalists are not supposed to do journalism as responsibly as they should. Yellow journalism is still very scary. Whatever the reason, they are affected. In other words, journalists are for sale. I don't have to wait to see if the speaker will say that the Sangh (Journalists Federation) is for sale.'