
President Paudel Sent A Condolence Message To Nemwang's Family

Sep 17, Kathmandu- President Ram Chandra Paudel has expressed grief over the death of Constituent Assembly Chairman Subas Nemwang and said that Nepal has lost a good leader who embraced the democratic republic from the heart.

On Sunday, President Paudel sent a condolence message to Nemwang's family and remembered him as a leader who was always ready to play a coordinating role in the critical moments of national politics.

Nemwang, who is a coordinator, clean and honest person in any position and role, especially as Speaker and Chairman of the Constituent Assembly, Nepal, and the Nepali people will never forget the role he played during the drafting of the constitution from the Constituent Assembly and the promulgation of the Constitution of Nepal, which the Nepalese people have been waiting for a long time, he said in his condolence message. .

He also expressed his condolences to the family members, supporters of the republic, and well-wishers of CPN-UML while wishing for the eternal peace of leader Nemwang's soul.