
Negotiations In Cairo For A Ceasefire In Gaza

Mar 31, Kathmandu- Talks between Israel and Hamas will begin on Sunday in Cairo, Egypt, with the aim of building an environment of trust. As Egyptian media outlet, reported that the atmosphere of the talks was created with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu giving a positive signal to the talks.

The newspaper quoted an Egyptian security source as saying that the talks are scheduled to take place on Monday in the Egyptian capital, Cairo. Earlier meetings were also moderated by Egypt, Qatar and Israel's main ally, the United States. But there was not much progress in those talks.

In previous talks, attempts were made to reach a ceasefire before Ramadan, but the deadlock between the two sides failed to end. Half of the holy month of Ramadan for the Muslim community has now passed.

Last Friday, Netanyahu approved a new phase of ceasefire talks in Doha and Cairo. The Prime Minister's Office said that Prime Minister Netanyahu has told David Barney, the head of the Israeli intelligence agency (Mossad), about the talks. However, there is no word on whether Barney himself will participate in these talks or not.

The government is believed to have started talks again after family members held hostage in Gaza staged a protest on the main highway of a major Israeli city. Demonstrators protested the release of hostages and Israel's war on Gaza.

Hamas rebels entered Israeli territory on October 7 and took 250 hostages, leading to a fierce war between Israel and Hamas. Israel estimates 130 are still under Hamas control and 33 have been killed.

In response, Israel is waging genocide in Gaza. So far, at least 32 thousand 705 Palestinians have lost their lives in that massacre.

A key condition of the ceasefire is the release of Israeli hostages in Gaza and the release of Palestinians held in Israeli prisons.

Meanwhile, French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourn is also visiting Cairo to promote a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. He will also consult with Jordanian diplomats about this. Last Monday, the UN Security Council also passed a resolution on an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

At least 32,705 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli military operations. Most of those killed are women and children.