Jun 10, Kathmandu- Due to the excessive heat in Madhesh, the Birgunj metropolis has issued a circular to all the educational institutions within its municipal area to complete the lectures by 10:30 in the morning. Due to the extreme heat that has increased in the Central Terai since a dead week, the metropolis has taken this decision considering the children's health.
Many schools in the metropolis were operating in the morning due to hot temperatures in the afternoon. Schools with more students are operating in both daytime and morning shifts. Birgunj Metropolis concludes that children are more affected by the mid-day sun when the school that operates in the morning closes at 12:30. As a result, the metropolis has issued a circular to all the educational institutions within the municipality to change the teaching schedule.
The temperature in central Terai is reaching 40 degrees to 44 degrees these days. The challenge of saving school children from this summer has been added to the responsible people and agencies. The Birgunj Metropolis has considered this matter and has adopted vigilance for the safety of the children in its area. Matrika Bhattarai, chief administrative officer of Birgunj Metropolitan Municipality, said that vigilance has been taken to protect the children in the metropolitan area due to the extreme heat for a few days.
Addressing all the community and institutional schools within the metropolitan area, a circular has been issued to all the subordinate schools through letter No. 9760 signed by him. In that letter, it has been asked to complete the readings within 10:30 in the morning with effect from Monday i.e. 28th of Jestha. Chief administrative officer Bhattarai said that this step was taken according to the decision made by the meeting held on Sunday of the city to reduce the reading of the school.
Anand Lamichhane, the Education Officer of the Educational Administration Division of Birgunj Metropolitan City, said that to reduce the period of conducting the classes in the morning while taking care of the children's health, the time of conducting the classes can be within 10:30 to match this damage. He said that until further notice is issued, the teaching of all the schools within the metropolitan city should be completed within that time.