
Conflict Between Balen And The Ward Chairman

Jun 28, Kathmandu- The City Council meeting of Kathmandu Metropolitan City has been postponed.

The meeting was adjourned after Mayor Balen Shah did not attend the city meeting scheduled for 8 am on Friday. Today's meeting decided the agenda for passing the budget for the next year.

Today, the agenda was to pass the policy and program for the coming year 2081/082 and to discuss and pass the budget and program.

Similarly, there was an agenda to discuss and pass the Kathmandu Metropolitan City Economic Bill, Appropriation Bill.

There was an agenda to discuss and approve the report of the judicial committee for the financial year 2080/081, and the report of the accounting committee for the financial year 2080/081.

Meanwhile, Mayor Balen wrote a status on Friday and accused Congress, UML representatives of stopping the city council meeting.

He mentioned that the Congress-UML people's representative asked to organize a program worth crores in the name of BP and Pushpalal, and he said that instead, he should do it in the name of four freedom fighters Shukraraj Shastri, Dharmabhakta Mathema, Dasharath Chand, Gangalal Shrestha.