
Meeting Between Shehbaz Sharif And Putin

Jul 04, Kathmandu- Pakistani Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif has met Russian President Vladimir Putin. Both leaders arrived in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, to participate in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit. At the same time, there was a meeting between the two.

"You are ready to help me in many areas at my request. We increased cooperation in the oil sector, you sent us oil. We are grateful for that," Shahbaz Sharif told Putin during the meeting.

He also said that the relationship between the two countries will not affect the relationship with any other country. Your country has an old trade relationship with Pakistan. This is the right time to advance and renew mutual trade. This will be beneficial for Pakistan as well. With this, we will be able to overcome several problems," he said.

Shahbaz Sharif wrote in a post on Instagram after the meeting that they talked about bilateral cooperation in many areas of mutual interest. He said that they also discussed regional and international issues.